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Dream Team Member Provides PPE Option

Amid a nation-wide/global shortage of PPE masks, Dreamshine 'Dream Team Member' Sara Frederick elevates beyond.

Dreamshine leaders, Mark Minard (CEO) and Danielle Horne (Program Director) have been working around the clock, getting things in order to make it possible for Dreamshine to open the doors to clients after a temporary shut down, as they implemented an entire new Dreamshine COVID-19 strategy. Just last week module buildings were delivered and outfitted, ready to accept Dreamshine's amazing individuals with developmental disabilities.

As Mark and Danielle were working on securing necessary operating supplies, they quickly realized one critical supply that is in high demand and not currently available for purchase: PPE masks. Within a matter of of hours, this need was fulfilled by DreamTeam member, Sara Frederick. Sara and her mother have been working on making masks for local health care providers, and graciously stepped up and agreed to provide masks for Dreamshine. Mark, grateful for this answered prayer and gift of the masks, offered to reimburse Sara and her family for the supplies they purchased to craft these hand made masks. Sara's response? "That is very kind, but I would love not to be reimbursed if that is okay. Everything that Mark has done during this very stressful time has helped me, and this is what I would like to do to help out!"

Pictured above, DreamTeam Member, Sara Frederick, and her mother: sewing PPE masks for Dreamshine and other local healthcare professionals.

Learn more about Dreamshine via this video:

‘Hard times don't create heroes. It is during the hard times when the 'hero' within us is revealed.’ -Bob Riley


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